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Thursday 16 April 2015

Prevent Engine Overheating

Overheating an engine can cause permanent damage. It is vitally important that you check your radiator regularly. See more info after the cut...

A standard radiator contains a vertical or horizontal finned tubing section connected between two tanks. It is designed to hold an abundant amount of water and ethylene glycol, or antifreeze, and circulates through the car's grille in discreet passages that contact with the atmosphere to cool the liquid. Because of this process, heat is conducted away from the engine parts allowing smooth performance of the engine.
A leaking radiator will cause your engine to run at a higher than normal temperature and may cost you more in engine repair.

A radiator should always be completely filled with water, antifreeze/coolant or a mixture thereof. Allowing the presence of air pockets in the radiator will produce more internal pressure than liquid coolant because gases expand under heat tremendously more than liquids, and high pressure also results in higher operating temperatures.
The radiator can also accumulate internal residue and/or corrode over time. The cooling efficiency can be dramatically reduced as a result. If you find your vehicle is running at higher than normal temperatures, it may be time to install a new replacement or high performance radiator.

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