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Saturday 21 March 2015

Times Are Changing…By 2017, Car Flights Might Just Be The “In-Thing”

Wouldn't you rather fly in a car than face the morning traffic jam on the 3rd Mainland Bridge or the Lagos-Ikorodu Expressway? Well, we might just be inching close to being able to get to work in a flying car…interesting what technology is bringing about these days eh!

The Slovakian makers of the pioneering Aeromobil announce that their two-seater flying car will go on the market within two years.

What’s more, a self-driving/self-flying model could potentially follow not far behind.
The length of a luxury saloon car, the AeroMobil 3.0 has been designed to drive on normal roads, park in regular spaces, and refuel at petrol stations.

In plane mode, it requires a 250-metre grass strip for take-off and just 50 metres for landings. The car can travel at speeds in excess of 100mph and it’s capable of around 124 mph in the air.

AeroMobil’s founders Stefan Klein and Juraj Vaculik hope the AeroMobil 3.0 will free us from ‘traffic jam prison’.
Credit: Automotiveblog

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