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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Prevent Hydroplaning - Get An Edge On Wet Roads

You're driving on a wet stretch of road and all of a sudden it feels as though your vehicle has a mind of its own. Of course, your vehicle isn't possessed; it has caught a wave. View more details after the cut... 

You're hydroplaning - your tires are no longer in direct contact with the road as they are riding on top of the water that has pooled on the road. 

Hydroplaning can occur when a combination of speed, tire wear, tire inflation or the depth of water on the pavement causes the tires to lose traction. Essentially, a layer of water creates a barrier between the road and your tires. This barrier can cause you to lose traction and glide or hydroplane across the water's surface.

In wet weather, the tires that have been properly maintained and are in good running condition can cut through the water and maintain contact with the pavement at speeds less than 50 km/h. In cases where the tires are excessively worn (bald tires) or underinflated, or the water is very deep, you may still hydroplane at slower speeds.

At higher speeds (70 km/h and higher), the wedge of water in front of the tires may pass under the tires and the tires will ride on a cushion of water – resulting in a possible complete loss of traction.

To prevent Hydroplaning:
  • Check your tires and tire level regularly.
  • Reduce your speed even more when approaching still water and puddles.
  • Drive in the tracks of preceding vehicles.

Should your vehicle Hydroplane:
  • Shift to neutral (on a standard transmission, depress the clutch).
  • Activate the hazard lights.
  • Grip the steering wheel firmly and steer where you want to go.
  • Avoid braking or accelerating.

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